Foundation Toer van Schayk

Toer van Schayk is well-known as a choreographer and the creator of a large number of works, not only in the world of dance, but also as a painter-sculptor and scenographer. It is important to make sure that his many works remain accessible to future generations. It is the aim of the Foundation Toer van Schayk to create a legal framework for this purpose. Next to his works as a visual artist, Van Schayk choreographed more than 50 ballets as well as a vast amount of stage sets and costume designs. In order to safeguard these works, records should be kept of Toer van Schayk’s cultural heritage, so in the future the re-creation of his works remains possible. All visual recordings of his dance creations are to be kept as part of the Foundation’s archives.


The Foundation acknowledges the value of public accessibility to its activities; to this purpose the website : is an important expedient. The website will provide video fragments and photo’s, information about performances, history and data, and will be constantly updated.

The Foundation Toer van Schayk enjoys a cultural ANBI-status.

For more information about the ANBI-STATUS

staat van baten en lasten

Voor 2024 - 2025 tot september 2026 worden plannen voor twee publicaties verder ontwikkeld; 

  • Een overzichtspublicatie van het verzameld werk van Toer van Schayk
  • Een boekuitgave met tekeningenserie, als ook een tentoonstelling in Parijs. (Januari 2025)

Members of the Foundation’s board

Edzard Gelderman, chairman
Elisabeth Beelaerts van Blokland-van Schaijk, secretary-treasurer
Ed Spanjaard, board member
Mira van Slooten, board member
Reinbert Martijn, board member